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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Organizational resilience and motivation of administrative unit staff at Sunarp, 2023
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Organizational Resilience
Work Performance

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Organizational resilience and motivation of administrative unit staff at Sunarp, 2023 (J. C. Bruno Palomino , Trans.). (2024). Alpha Centauri, 5(1), 22-31.


This article demonstrates the existing relationship between organizational resilience and the motivation of the staff of the administrative unit in Sunarp, 2023. The method used was hypothetical-deductive, sample 200 employees of the UAS, non-experimental design, descriptive correlational type, applying two questionnaires and using SPSS 27 for database. The results obtained show that organizational resilience is related to the motivation of the UAS staff, 2023, therefore, the result obtained tells us that there is certainty of a significance level of 0.05 since the significant correlation is demonstrated between organizational resilience and staff motivation. It was concluded that it is evident that some collaborators perform their work according to the motivation of the staff, how they feel, when they have a problem or difficulty they show it in their work performance within the UAS, 2023, some of them do not know how to deal with it, therefore, their work performance is not optimal, therefore, the result obtained indicates that there is certainty that allows us to assert a significance level of 0.05.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Carlos Bruno Palomino