Revista Científica Certificada con la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 - SGS

Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Open access

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The ALPHA CENTAURI Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, provides immediate open access to its full article archive content; in a context of the information society, digital reality and the age of knowledge and DOES NOT CHARGE ANY KIND OF CHARGE FOR REVIEW, EDITION, PUBLICATION AND MAINTENANCE.

The authors of the research submitted to the Journal of Scientific and Technological Research ALPHA CENTAURI, authorize their storage, publication, reproduction, distribution and public access by physical and digital means.

Likewise, in the event that it is alleged or proven that the article is not original, unpublished or not of its authorship, the authors are subject to the terms of the applicable laws for the case. Likewise, the authors agree to the provisions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0); which allows reusers to “distribute, remix, adapt and build on the material in any medium or format, as long as the creator is attribution”. The license allows commercial use.


To guarantee the maximum dissemination of the contents, ALPHA CENTAURI disseminates on Facebook and Twitter the publication of the issues of the Magazine. se escribe en una entrada de texto ampliada en una computadora portátil y la página de inicio de un sitio web se desvanece. El sitio web tiene nuestro logotipo, un navegador web estilizado que contiene la información sobre nosotros y un fondo de estanterías blancas.

Gold Open Access. Makes the final version of an article free and immediately accessible to all permanently after its publication. Article copyright is retained by the authors and most permission barriers are removed. AA Gold articles can be published in exclusive AA journals (where all content is published with AA) or co-ed journals (a subscription journal that offers an AA option, which authors can choose if they wish).

Our journal is governed by international SHERPA/RoMEO policies under the following:

Green Journal SHERPA/RoMEO

Green Journal: They allow the self-archiving of both the Pre - Print (draft of a work) and the Post - Print (the corrected and peer-reviewed version) and even the final version (layout as it will be published in the journal).